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Which Foods are High In Vitamin C?

February 16, 2021 8 min read

Foods High In Vitamin C


Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health and well-being. As an essential micronutrient, it offers numerous benefits to the body. From supporting the immune system to promoting collagen production, Vitamin C is an indispensable nutrient that should be included in a balanced diet.

Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body against oxidative stress. It neutralises harmful free radicals and reduces the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and certain neurological disorders.

One of the key functions of Vitamin C is its role in supporting the immune system. It strengthens the body's natural defense mechanisms, helps fight off infections, and reduces the duration and severity of common illnesses like the common cold.

Additionally, Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, a protein that provides structure to our skin, bones, muscles, and blood vessels. It plays a crucial role in wound healing and maintaining healthy connective tissues throughout the body.

Including foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet is an excellent way to ensure you receive an adequate intake of this important nutrient. Let's explore some of the top food sources that are high in Vitamin C content.

Note: It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or considering Vitamin C supplementation.

Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C offers a wide range of health benefits, making it an essential nutrient to include in your daily diet. Let's explore some of the significant advantages associated with Vitamin C:

1. Powerful Antioxidant Properties

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps protect the body against damage caused by harmful free radicals. These unstable molecules can contribute to the development of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. By neutralising free radicals, Vitamin C helps reduce oxidative stress and supports overall health and well-being.

2. Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system, which is responsible for defending the body against infections and diseases. It strengthens the immune response by promoting the production of white blood cells, which are essential in fighting off pathogens and foreign invaders. Regular intake of Vitamin C can help reduce the risk and duration of common illnesses like the cold and flu.

The gut plays a crucial role in the immune response. Learn more about the fascinating gut-brain connection on our blog.

3. Enhances Collagen Production

Vitamin C essential for synthesis of collagen

Collagen is a vital protein that provides structure to the skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, which promotes healthy skin, supports wound healing, and maintains the integrity of connective tissues. Including Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet can help improve skin health, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and support overall tissue repair.

4. Supports Heart Health

Vitamin C has been linked to heart health due to its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps lower blood pressure levels, improve blood vessel function, and reduce inflammation within the cardiovascular system. By promoting healthy blood circulation and protecting against oxidative stress, Vitamin C contributes to a healthier heart.

5. Aids in Iron Absorption

Iron is an essential mineral required for the production of red blood cells and oxygen transportation throughout the body. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of non-heme iron found in plant-based sources, thereby improving iron levels and preventing iron deficiency anemia. Pairing iron-rich foods with Vitamin C-rich foods can optimise iron absorption and support overall iron status.

Incorporating Vitamin C-rich foods into your daily diet can have a profound impact on your health and well-being. From its antioxidant properties to its role in immune support and collagen production, Vitamin C is a nutrient that offers a multitude of benefits. By prioritising Vitamin C intake, you can take a proactive step towards maintaining a healthy and vibrant life.

Top Food Sources of Vitamin C

When it comes to boosting your Vitamin C intake, there are several delicious and nutritious options to consider. Incorporating these Vitamin C-rich foods into your diet can help ensure you meet your daily requirements. Let's explore some of the top food sources of Vitamin C:

1. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are well-known for their high Vitamin C content. They not only provide a refreshing burst of flavour but also pack a nutritional punch. Here's why citrus fruits are a fantastic source of Vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, with a single orange containing approximately 70-90 milligrams of Vitamin C.
  • These fruits are versatile and can be enjoyed in various forms, from juicing to adding slices to salads and desserts.
  • Citrus fruits are widely available throughout the year, making it convenient to include them in your daily diet.

2. Berries

Berries are packed with Vitamin C

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are not only delicious but also excellent sources of Vitamin C. Here's why you should consider adding berries to your Vitamin C-rich diet:

  • Berries are packed with antioxidants, including Vitamin C, which helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Strawberries, for example, offer approximately 85 milligrams of Vitamin C per cup, while raspberries and blueberries provide around 30 milligrams per cup.
  • Incorporating berries into your meals and snacks can provide a sweet and tangy flavour along with a healthy dose of Vitamin C.

3. Kiwi

Kiwi is a tropical fruit that boasts a significant amount of Vitamin C. Here's why you should consider including kiwi in your Vitamin C-rich diet:

  • Kiwi is known for its vibrant green colour, unique taste, and refreshing flavour.
  • A single kiwi provides around 70-90 milligrams of Vitamin C, making it an excellent choice for meeting your daily requirements.
  • Kiwi can be enjoyed as a standalone snack or added to fruit salads, smoothies, or yogurt for a delightful Vitamin C boost.

4. Papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit renowned for its high Vitamin C content and numerous health benefits. Here's why papaya deserves a spot on your Vitamin C-rich menu:

  • Papaya is not only delicious but also naturally sweet, making it a delightful treat.
  • A medium-sized papaya can provide approximately 90-100 milligrams of Vitamin C, making it an excellent choice for boosting your intake.
  • In addition to its Vitamin C content, papaya contains digestive enzymes that can aid in digestion and promote gut health.

5. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are colourful and vibrant vegetables that are not only delicious but also rich in Vitamin C. Here's why you should include bell peppers in your Vitamin C-rich diet:

  • Different colours of bell peppers, such as red, yellow, and green, offer varying amounts of Vitamin C. For example, one medium-sized red bell pepper contains approximately 150-190 milligrams of Vitamin C.
  • Bell peppers are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed raw in salads, stuffed, grilled, or added to stir-fries and other cooked dishes.
  • Incorporating bell peppers into your meals not only adds a pop of colour and crunch but also provides a significant boost of Vitamin C to support your overall health.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli is a nutrient-packed vegetable that deserves a place on your plate when seeking Vitamin C-rich foods. Here's why broccoli is an excellent choice for meeting your Vitamin C needs:

  • Broccoli is not only a good source of fibre and other essential nutrients but also contains a notable amount of Vitamin C. A half-cup serving of cooked broccoli provides around 50-60 milligrams of Vitamin C.
  • It's important to lightly cook or steam broccoli to retain its nutrients, including Vitamin C. Overcooking can lead to nutrient loss.
  • Incorporating broccoli into your meals, such as stir-fries, salads, or roasted vegetable medleys, adds both texture and flavour while boosting your Vitamin C intake.

By including these Vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, papaya, bell peppers, and broccoli in your diet, you can ensure you're getting a good dose of this essential nutrient. Explore creative recipes and find enjoyable ways to incorporate these foods into your meals to support your overall health and well-being.

It's important to note that choosing organic fruits and vegetables can often provide higher nutrient content and fewer pesticide residues.

Other Sources of Vitamin C

While citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, papaya, bell peppers, and broccoli are well-known for their high Vitamin C content, there are several other lesser-known sources that can contribute to your daily intake. Let's explore some of these alternative sources of Vitamin C:

  1. Guava:

    • Guava is a tropical fruit that packs a punch when it comes to Vitamin C. A single guava fruit contains about 126 milligrams of Vitamin C, which is more than double the amount found in an orange.
    • Enjoy guava as a snack, add it to smoothies, or incorporate it into fruit salads for a sweet and tangy twist.
  2. Acerola Cherries:

    • Acerola cherries, also known as Barbados cherries, are small fruits that are exceptionally rich in Vitamin C. In fact, they contain one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin C among all fruits.
    • A small serving of acerola cherries can provide you with a significant amount of Vitamin C, making them a great addition to your diet. Consider using acerola cherry powder or incorporating them into homemade jams and desserts.
    • Additionally we have a convenient capsule product Jui-C containing a strong dose of raw Acerola Cherry
  3. Brussels Sprouts:

    • Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable that not only offers a good amount of fibre and nutrients but also contains a decent dose of Vitamin C.
    • Half a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides approximately 48 milligrams of Vitamin C. Roast them, steam them, or include them in stir-fries for a delicious and nutritious side dish.
  4. Kale:

    • Kale is a leafy green vegetable that has gained popularity for its exceptional nutritional profile, including its Vitamin C content.
    • Half a cup of cooked kale provides around 27 milligrams of Vitamin C. Incorporate kale into salads, soups, smoothies, or sauté it with other vegetables for a nutrient-packed meal.
  5. Spinach:

    • Spinach, another leafy green vegetable, is not only a great source of iron but also contains a decent amount of Vitamin C.
    • Half a cup of cooked spinach offers approximately 9 milligrams of Vitamin C. Include spinach in salads, omelettes, smoothies, or use it as a nutritious base for sandwiches or wraps.
    • Spinach is a key ingredient found in Lean Green Super Greens Powder, making it super simple to increase your nutrient intake from spinach

By incorporating these lesser-known sources of Vitamin C into your diet, you can add variety to your meals while boosting your intake of this essential nutrient. Explore creative recipes and find enjoyable ways to include these foods in your daily routine, ensuring you receive the benefits of Vitamin C from a diverse range of sources.

In addition to these natural food sources, super green powders are another excellent source of Vitamin C. They can be a convenient addition to your diet if you're struggling to meet your Vitamin C requirements through food alone. Check out our list of the best super green powders available in the UK for some options.


1. Can I get enough Vitamin C through supplements alone?

While Vitamin C supplements can be beneficial, it's generally recommended to obtain nutrients from whole foods. Whole foods provide a variety of other essential nutrients and fibre that work synergistically to support overall health. However, if it's challenging to meet your Vitamin C requirements through diet alone, supplements can be a helpful addition. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

2. Is it possible to consume too much Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is generally safe for most people when consumed within the recommended daily intake. However, extremely high doses of Vitamin C from supplements may cause digestive discomfort or diarrhea in some individuals. It's best to follow the recommended guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

3. How does cooking affect the Vitamin C content in foods?

Cooking methods like boiling or prolonged exposure to high heat can cause some loss of Vitamin C in foods. To minimise nutrient loss, it's recommended to lightly cook or steam vegetables and consume them soon after cooking. Adding Vitamin C-rich foods to salads or eating them raw can help preserve their Vitamin C content.


Incorporating a variety of Vitamin C-rich foods into your daily diet is an excellent way to support your overall health. Citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, papaya, bell peppers, and broccoli offer not only a delicious taste but also a significant amount of Vitamin C. By making these foods a regular part of your meals, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of Vitamin C while savouring a variety of flavours and textures. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised dietary advice and enjoy the journey of nourishing your body with Vitamin C-rich foods.

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